Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hour of Code

1. Who were 3 people you recognized in the video?
I recongnized in the video Bill Gates, Pres. Obama, and Shakira.

2. What were they encouraging to do or learn?
They are enouraging you to program stuff and that you can change the world if you know how to do this stuff.

3.Why is learning how to program so important at this day of age?
Learning how to proogran at this age is important because  not many people get the chance or know how to do this stuff.
Knowing how to program can make you get a buisness.

4. How will knowing something about computer science help you in your life? 
Also it will help you by being able to help people with programing when they need help.

Draw Background

      My background takes place in the McDonald's. The hidden objects will be hidden here between bushes and other spots of the scene.

Hidden Objects

 In my hidden objects I have a bag of Takis, Ice Cream Cone, Pizza, Chiken Leg, Donut, McDonald's french fries, Chiken nuggets, McDonald's coke, Burger, and a Taco. Thes are the stuff that is very bad for your body. These stuff have a lot of fat that can give you a heart attack and die. Im putting these in my background for my hidden objects game.